The Islamic cultural center in Donetsk
Имам мечети - имам-хатыбы Исмагилов Саид-хазрат и Хуснутдинов Рустам-хазрат
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О мечети
Within the walls of Donetsk Islamic Cultural Center conducted the following activities: - Marriages - Nikah in Islam - Friday 12:30 - Friday sermon - spend imams Ismagilov Said-khazrat and Khusnutdinov Rustam-khazrat; - Saturday 10: 00-13: 00 - School of Arabic language and Islamic culture (adult and children's groups); - Sunday 10: 00-13: 00 - School of Arabic language and Islamic culture (adult and children's groups); 14: 00-17: 00 - Women's Club (with the reading of the Koran and lectures) - holds sister Isa Tanzilya;
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