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Eid al-Adha (Feast day)
Eid al-Adha (Feast day)
10 Through 13 Dhul-Hijjah
16 Jun
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Eid al-Adha: the main Muslim feast of the sacrifice. Eid al-Adha is the most important and significant holiday in the Muslim tradition. H...

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Описание праздника

Eid al-Adha: the main Muslim feast of the sacrifice. Eid al-Adha is the most important and significant holiday in the Muslim tradition. He completes the ritual of the Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, which is required to make at least once in their lifetime, every adult Muslim. The sacrifice occurring on Eid al Adha, represents the loyalty to Allah, repent for his sins and purification. In the celebration involved not only the perpetrators of the ritual of the Hajj, but those who for any reasons could not attend the pilgrimage.

Celebrated on the tenth day of the Muslim month of Dhul-Hijjah, according to the Gregorian calendar date of the celebration may differ in different countries. On this great day Muslims all over the world go to the mosque for performing the festive prayer in the presence of the whole community. Previously recommended to fast.

Post before the holiday

Before performing Eid al-Adha is made optional post for a duration of one day or ten. It is optional, in contrast to the great fasting month of Ramadan. But pious Muslims zealously follow him, because fasting helps to cleanse the soul from all its sins.

Традиции празднования

How is Eid al-Adha celebrated?

A Muslim in Eid al-Adha performs a full ablution and puts on a beautiful festive outfit. On the way to the mosque, from the very early morning, the takbir, the exaltation of Allah, is pronounced. Already in the mosque, when the entire Muslim community gathers, a festive prayer is said, after which the imam reads a sermon-khutba. The sermon glorifies Allah and his prophet Muhammad, explains the essence of the Hajj pilgrimage and the significance of direct sacrifice.

The Most important Muslim ritual — the sacrifice is carried out after prayer and preaching. To bring the victim within three days in major cities for this purpose open the slaughterhouse (to do it right in the mosque impossible, and slaughtered right on the street most of the Muslims refers to the barbaric actions). Over the victim necessarily read a dua, and before slaughtering the animal, cutting it so the head was aimed in the direction of Mecca.

What should be a sacrificial animal?

Sacrifice Eid al-Adha to bring: ram (at the age of six months); a goat (who has reached the age of one year); bull (at the age of two years); a cow (at the age of two years); camel (who has reached the age of five full years).

The sacrificial animal for the holy holiday of Eid al-Adha must be beautiful and well-fed, without external flaws and shortcomings that affect the quality of the meat. No lame, sick and old! A sacrificial ram or other suitable animal may be slaughtered by you or by a Muslim butcher at the slaughterhouse. Selling meat or other parts of a slaughtered animal is not allowed.

The main traditions of the holiday

The celebration begins at night. It is recommended to spend it in whole or in part in prayer. Morning prayer is performed on an empty stomach, Muslims have breakfast after it, returning home. Only men go to the mosque to celebrate, women have the task of organizing the holiday. During all three days of Eid al-Adha, Muslims do not work, go to visit each other, praise Allah, congratulate relatives and friends.

Although it is possible to slaughter the sacrificial animal before sunset on the third day, it is traditionally best to do so on the very first day. Only a wealthy and adult Muslim can make a sacrifice. A third of the meat from the sacrificial animal goes to treat his own family. A third goes to low-income neighbors and friends. The remaining third is given to the poor. If meat remains after the celebration, it is no longer possible to eat it the next day.

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