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Eid al-Fitr (Feast day)
Eid al-Fitr (Feast day)
1 Shaval
10 Apr
  • 1
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  • 8
дней до

Commemorates the end of fasting. This event symbolizes farewell to Ramadan, and gives the believer the opportunity to show gratitude to t...

Описание Как праздновать
Описание праздника

Commemorates the end of fasting. This event symbolizes farewell to Ramadan, and gives the believer the opportunity to show gratitude to the Lord for the blessings. This is a day of universal joy and hope. Joy for what the Lord allowed us to observe this great fast. And the hope that Allah accepted the worship of his slaves and forgave their sins. In addition, this is the day when all Muslims unite together as part of one big community of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).


Традиции празднования

On the night before this holiday and in the flesh before the start of the official prayer, believers are required to give alms [zakat al-fitr] for the poor. As a rule, these are cereals, dried fruits and food, or money. In the early morning of this holiday, Muslims must perform a special collective prayer and listen to the sermon of the imam. After that, they congratulate each other on the end of the fast. Muslims put on festive clothes, go to visit neighbors, relatives or invite them to their house. In Eid al-Fitr, housewives cook special traditional meals, and men should not skimp on surprises and gifts for their households. Usually, during the days of celebration in Muslim countries, everyone rests. Shops, schools, universities and other establishments are closed.

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