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Al Fazal Masjid

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A mosque on the main road with a Madrassa situated inside. Situated just stating Juhapura Road. A large mosque with facilities of madrasa teaching Alim Classes and Hiffz (Hafiz) classes. Well known for its teachers. Works as an organization to provide relief to citizens of Guajrat during any undesired circumstances and provides computer education to its students too.

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  • Juhapura Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380055
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A mosque on the main road with a Madrassa situated inside. Situated just stating Juhapura Road. A large mosque with facilities of madrasa teaching Alim Classes and Hiffz (Hafiz) classes. Well known for its teachers. Works as an organization to provide relief to citizens of Guajrat during any undesired circumstances and provides computer education to its students too.

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