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Thai-Pakistan Friendship Mosque

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Thai Pakistan mosque was built by Thai Pakistani friendship association, this organization came into existence more than 20 years ago and its primary focus is to promote culture exchange between both the countries, this mosque is the hub for Expat Pakistani’s staying in Thailand as well as Thai Pakistanis, around this mosque there are few Pakistani restaurants serving Indian and Pakistani food Jumah Salat is between 1.00 to 1.15 pm, Lot of international Tabliq Jamat do visit mosque, imam usually are from Pakistan, Delicious Pakistani food is served in Ramadan, while on Eid al-Adha kurbani services are provided but this needs a prior booking.

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  • 13 Sukhumvit Road, Mahaset, Bangkok 10110
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Thai Pakistan mosque was built by Thai Pakistani friendship association, this organization came into existence more than 20 years ago and its primary focus is to promote culture exchange between both the countries, this mosque is the hub for Expat Pakistani’s staying in Thailand as well as Thai Pakistanis, around this mosque there are few Pakistani restaurants serving Indian and Pakistani food Jumah Salat is between 1.00 to 1.15 pm, Lot of international Tabliq Jamat do visit mosque, imam usually are from Pakistan, Delicious Pakistani food is served in Ramadan, while on Eid al-Adha kurbani services are provided but this needs a prior booking.

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