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Islamic Society of Triplex

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Islamic Society of Triplex has been in operation since January 1986. It was started as a small Masjid (Mossallah) in an apartment building to perform five daily and Friday congregational prayers. Members of IST also gathered on Sunday morning for Qur’anic study program. The place became really small as members often ended up praying outside the apartment. On November of 1986, by the grace of Allah (SWT), and the generous support of community members a church building on Cardinal Drive was purchased and converted into the Islamic Center. The building was renovated over the period of last 10-15 years into a fully functional Masjid to accommodate 300 brothers and sisters, wudu area, parking lot of about 100 spaces, library, kitchen, storage room and a full time elementary school (Pre-K & Kindergarten).

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Islamic Society of Triplex has been in operation since January 1986. It was started as a small Masjid (Mossallah) in an apartment building to perform five daily and Friday congregational prayers. Members of IST also gathered on Sunday morning for Qur’anic study program. The place became really small as members often ended up praying outside the apartment. On November of 1986, by the grace of Allah (SWT), and the generous support of community members a church building on Cardinal Drive was purchased and converted into the Islamic Center. The building was renovated over the period of last 10-15 years into a fully functional Masjid to accommodate 300 brothers and sisters, wudu area, parking lot of about 100 spaces, library, kitchen, storage room and a full time elementary school (Pre-K & Kindergarten).

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (7430)