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Kairaouine Mosque

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The Kairaouine Mosque (Djemaa el Kairaouine) in Fes is the second-largest mosque in Morocco (after the new Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca). It belongs in the same league as Al-Azhar in Cairo as the world's oldest university. The minaret dates back to 956 and is the oldest Islamic monument in Fes.

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  • Tour de Fès Nord, Fes, Fes-Boulemane 30000
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The Kairaouine Mosque (Djemaa el Kairaouine) in Fes is the second-largest mosque in Morocco (after the new Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca). It belongs in the same league as Al-Azhar in Cairo as the world's oldest university. The minaret dates back to 956 and is the oldest Islamic monument in Fes.

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