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Alabama Islamic Educational Center

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Considering the present conditions and needs of the vast majority of Muslims minority living in the US, the Alabama Islamic Educational Center was therefore established. The necessity to cater for the cultural, social and emotional needs of Muslim communities leaving outside a Muslim country is all toaghao evident. The Alabama Islamic Educational Center was officially opened in 2000. Since its establishment the Alabama Islamic Educational Center has become a landmark in the propagation of Islamic teachings and religious awareness. It has established itself as an educational centre for those who intend to increase their knowledge of Islamic principles and cultural values and therefore, helping to strengthen the social structure of the community.

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Considering the present conditions and needs of the vast majority of Muslims minority living in the US, the Alabama Islamic Educational Center was therefore established. The necessity to cater for the cultural, social and emotional needs of Muslim communities leaving outside a Muslim country is all toaghao evident. The Alabama Islamic Educational Center was officially opened in 2000. Since its establishment the Alabama Islamic Educational Center has become a landmark in the propagation of Islamic teachings and religious awareness. It has established itself as an educational centre for those who intend to increase their knowledge of Islamic principles and cultural values and therefore, helping to strengthen the social structure of the community.

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