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Mosque in Kyshtym

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The mosque in the town of Kyshtym is located on the forecourt and is one of the bright spots in the architectural appearance of the city. Expressive building of the mosque is in no way inferior to other churches of the city, and is an ornament of the landscape along with Orthodox shrines. Ceremonial opening of the mosque took place in June 2013.

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  • street Metallistov, 14, Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region, Russia, 456872
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The mosque in the town of Kyshtym is located on the forecourt and is one of the bright spots in the architectural appearance of the city. Expressive building of the mosque is in no way inferior to other churches of the city, and is an ornament of the landscape along with Orthodox shrines. Ceremonial opening of the mosque took place in June 2013.

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