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The Leicester Central Mosque

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The Leicester Central Mosque was built in 1988, with the first phase consisting of a main prayer hall providing prayer facilities for 1500 people. A second phase provided a basement ablution area, ground floor reception and offices and the first floor ladies gallery providing prayer facilities for 300 ladies with associated ablution facilities. The third phase of the project consisted of a school, a community hall, Imams' residence, a mortuary and a guest house. The congregation celebrates Milad un Nabi and is supported by the Barelwi, Hanafi Ulemah.

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The Leicester Central Mosque was built in 1988, with the first phase consisting of a main prayer hall providing prayer facilities for 1500 people. A second phase provided a basement ablution area, ground floor reception and offices and the first floor ladies gallery providing prayer facilities for 300 ladies with associated ablution facilities. The third phase of the project consisted of a school, a community hall, Imams' residence, a mortuary and a guest house. The congregation celebrates Milad un Nabi and is supported by the Barelwi, Hanafi Ulemah.

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