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Islamic Cultural & Student Center

4 отзывов
Also known as the Student Mosque. Located just one mile to the east of the Texas Tech University campus, the Islamic Cultural and Student Center opened its doors to the Lubbock community in January of 2010. It is one of two mosques in the city of Lubbock, falling under the greater umbrella organization of the Islamic Center of the South Plains. Among the primary objectives of the center is to garner benevolence, mutuality, and understanding in conjunction with other faithful and philanthropic associations in the city. Above all, we hope that the center will be an addition to the celebration of diversity in the South Plains region. The center is planned to serve as an altar for exchange in the social, cultural, and religious spheres of life. The activities of the Islamic Cultural and Student Center will revolve around the following subjects: Interfaith dialogue, Community service projects, Serving as an educational platform for the Arabic language and Islamic studies, Performing daily prayers and other Islamic rituals, Open houses, Various other student activities. At the core of all of these activities lies the belief system of the Islamic faith. To believe in Islam is to submit oneself to the will of God (Allah), who is believed to be the Creator and Sustainer of all things. It is to humbly accept that nothing that we come across in our lives is without His will. According to the Islamic belief, it is believed that it is the same God who chose Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all) to be his loyal prophets, who were entrusted with the duty of teaching His principles to their communities. The final prophet of God is believed to be Muhammad (peace be upon him), to whom was given the final Word of God, the Holy Quran. Through our services and activities, we hope to practice our faith as the prophets before us practiced: by caring, loving, and praying for the betterment of society. We believe that we will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment for our deeds and what we hold in our hearts, and we humbly hope that our works will be accepted. We hope that you find these activities to be a source of light and peace in our wonderful community, and that you are able to find a way to integrate within our services and contribute with your strengths in a positive way!

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2017 Jan 15 21:00
MashaAllah very good recitation by Imam
2017 Jan 15 21:00
MashaAllah very good recitation by Imam
2016 Apr 05 02:55
MashaAllah very good recitation by Imam
2016 Apr 05 02:55
MashaAllah very good recitation by Imam
О заведении

Also known as the Student Mosque. Located just one mile to the east of the Texas Tech University campus, the Islamic Cultural and Student Center opened its doors to the Lubbock community in January of 2010. It is one of two mosques in the city of Lubbock, falling under the greater umbrella organization of the Islamic Center of the South Plains. Among the primary objectives of the center is to garner benevolence, mutuality, and understanding in conjunction with other faithful and philanthropic associations in the city. Above all, we hope that the center will be an addition to the celebration of diversity in the South Plains region. The center is planned to serve as an altar for exchange in the social, cultural, and religious spheres of life. The activities of the Islamic Cultural and Student Center will revolve around the following subjects: Interfaith dialogue, Community service projects, Serving as an educational platform for the Arabic language and Islamic studies, Performing daily prayers and other Islamic rituals, Open houses, Various other student activities. At the core of all of these activities lies the belief system of the Islamic faith. To believe in Islam is to submit oneself to the will of God (Allah), who is believed to be the Creator and Sustainer of all things. It is to humbly accept that nothing that we come across in our lives is without His will. According to the Islamic belief, it is believed that it is the same God who chose Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them all) to be his loyal prophets, who were entrusted with the duty of teaching His principles to their communities. The final prophet of God is believed to be Muhammad (peace be upon him), to whom was given the final Word of God, the Holy Quran. Through our services and activities, we hope to practice our faith as the prophets before us practiced: by caring, loving, and praying for the betterment of society. We believe that we will be held accountable on the Day of Judgment for our deeds and what we hold in our hearts, and we humbly hope that our works will be accepted. We hope that you find these activities to be a source of light and peace in our wonderful community, and that you are able to find a way to integrate within our services and contribute with your strengths in a positive way!

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