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Taipei Cultural Mosque

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Taipei Cultural Mosque was built in 1950 at Roosevelt Road by Xiao Yongtai (蕭永泰) or Akhond Hsiao from Northwest China. The mosque was initially located at Xiao's Japanese-style house. His main thought was to spread Islam through cultural movement, thus he also reestablished the Chinese Muslim Youth League. Due to the road widening scheme on Roosevelt Road, the mosque had to be relocated to its current location near the old location at Xinhai Road (辛亥路). The old mosque building had to be torn down for the road construction work.

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  • 3 Lane 25, Section 1, Xinhai Road, Taipei City, Taipei 100
  • Показать номер
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Taipei Cultural Mosque was built in 1950 at Roosevelt Road by Xiao Yongtai (蕭永泰) or Akhond Hsiao from Northwest China. The mosque was initially located at Xiao's Japanese-style house. His main thought was to spread Islam through cultural movement, thus he also reestablished the Chinese Muslim Youth League. Due to the road widening scheme on Roosevelt Road, the mosque had to be relocated to its current location near the old location at Xinhai Road (辛亥路). The old mosque building had to be torn down for the road construction work.

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