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Dar-us-Sunnah Masjid & Community Center

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We are a group of brothers and sisters from the shore of Lake Michigan, who have taken a humble initiative to build Dar-us-Sunnah Masjid and Community Center in Evanstone, IL. We live in the Chicago, USA area and have launched an ambitious plan to establish an Dar-us-Sunnah Masjid and Community Center that will serve as an anchor for the Muslim community in the far north- west side of Chicago where there is no such center exists today but the Muslim population continues to swell with new immigrants. Our community has meager resources but the need of ours is far greater than ever not only to provide religious services but more importantly to offer the community and social services to all humans irrespective of color, race, and national origin. The focal point of this center will be to serve people from all walks of life in the rich tradition of Islamic principle and to work on common grounds with others in order to resolve societal problems and address contemporary issues.

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Dar-us-Sunnah Masjid & Community Center
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We are a group of brothers and sisters from the shore of Lake Michigan, who have taken a humble initiative to build Dar-us-Sunnah Masjid and Community Center in Evanstone, IL. We live in the Chicago, USA area and have launched an ambitious plan to establish an Dar-us-Sunnah Masjid and Community Center that will serve as an anchor for the Muslim community in the far north- west side of Chicago where there is no such center exists today but the Muslim population continues to swell with new immigrants. Our community has meager resources but the need of ours is far greater than ever not only to provide religious services but more importantly to offer the community and social services to all humans irrespective of color, race, and national origin. The focal point of this center will be to serve people from all walks of life in the rich tradition of Islamic principle and to work on common grounds with others in order to resolve societal problems and address contemporary issues.

Мы не несем ответственности за услуги, реализуемые организациями, находящимися у нас в базе. Просьба дополнительно уточнять у лиц, предоставляющих продукцию халяль. (6262)