на ответ
Amin, Ustadha participates in meetings in Mosque Boards as President, Vice-President of the MAB(Muslim Association of Britain), the assistant Secretary General of MCB and the head teacher of the Islamic school for girls. Currently she is the national Director of the Eden Houses UK. Ustadh Amin lectures on Islamic issues around the world and online. The facilities include a Marfild Institute, University of Sheffield, Brunel University, University of Sharia in Kuwait , the Grand mosque in Kuwait and the Stockholm mosque in Sweden.Amin, Ustadha studying Islam since 1994 under the guidance of different sheikhs, including Dr. Jamal Badawi, Sheikh Faisal Manjoo, Sheikh Riad Ouarzazi and Sheikh Abdul Aziz Atik.She has appeared on channels including Channel 4, Sky TV, The Islam channel, BBC radio, Al Jazeerah, Kuwaiti national TV, Iqraa TV and BBC1. Ustadh Amin lectures on Islamic issues around the world and regularly on the Internet. The facilities include a Marfild Institute, University of Sheffield, Brunel University, University of Sharia in Kuwait Grand mosque Kuwait mosque and Stockholm, Sweden.
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