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Tayan The Allagui

1 отзывов
The acceptance of works for participation in the literary contest "tayan the Allagui". The competition is held with the purpose of revealing and support of young talents and promotion of the Tatar...

  • Gas street 19, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, 420049
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2017 Feb 17 13:18
Спасибо Аллпның рәхмәтендә булыгыз.
О заведении

The acceptance of works for participation in the literary contest "tayan the Allagui". The competition is held with the purpose of revealing and support of young talents and promotion of the Tatar language among young people of Russia. The contest is organized by the Spiritual administration of Muslims of Tatarstan and the Russian Islamic Institute.The competition is held in three stages:- the Collection of works (1 Oct 2016 – 31 January 2017)

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