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Kuddus Mosque

5 отзывов
The mosque "Kuddus" built in the village Quarry city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, with the dealership "KanAvto".If you have any questions, or you need to hold such ceremonies as NIKAH or FUNERAL, or other Muslim rituals, you can contact the Imam of the mosque "Kuddus" the Rustam Hazrat Valiullina.In the mosque Kuddus cafe for hosting iftars. Capacity of about 35 people. There is a kitchen. If you wish to spend pleasing to God - iftar or any other Majlis - suggest you hold it in the mosque Kuddus.

подробнее Задать вопрос имаму
  • The resettlement of street, 39, Kazan, Rep. Republic Of Tatarstan, Russia, 420053
  • http://quddus.ru/
  • Показать номер
Медресе Нет
Джума Проводят
Время джума Начало в 13:00
Имам Имам мечети: Рустем хазрат Валиулин
Библиотека Нет
Направление Не известно
Парковка Нет
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2017 Nov 18 19:41
одна из лучших мечетей города! есть большая парковка! рядом детская площадка.
2017 Jan 16 07:43
Хвала Аллаху что есть такие хорошие имамы.Пусть Аллах даст благо в обоих мирах.
2017 Jan 15 21:00
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2016 Nov 25 04:50
очень хорошо проводят проповеди, Азан очень красиво звучит
2015 Dec 11 12:13
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яхшы мәчет
О заведении

The mosque "Kuddus" built in the village Quarry city of Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, with the dealership "KanAvto".If you have any questions, or you need to hold such ceremonies as NIKAH or FUNERAL, or other Muslim rituals, you can contact the Imam of the mosque "Kuddus" the Rustam Hazrat Valiullina.In the mosque Kuddus cafe for hosting iftars. Capacity of about 35 people. There is a kitchen. If you wish to spend pleasing to God - iftar or any other Majlis - suggest you hold it in the mosque Kuddus.

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