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The Mosque "Anas"

2 отзывов
Opened in early June 2009. Built on the initiative of the Deputy chief of the center for investigative Committee at MVDRF Colonel Talgat Ahmetzyanov. The mosque "Anas" is one of the most beautiful and comfortable in Tatarstan. She has a basement which houses a prayer hall for women and a dining room. On the attic floor classrooms. A feature of the mosque is that in the hall for prayer and fitted with screens to Muslims caught up in the last rows, could better see and hear the sermon of the Imam.

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  • ulitsa Michurina, 10, Chistopol', Respublika Tatarstan, Rossiya, 422980
  • Показать номер
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Имам Абу Бакр хазрат Азизов
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2024 Jan 17 13:28
Принимал там Ислам, хожу на намаз. Мечеть очень красивая, и воздушная. Всем добра и процветания
2021 Oct 08 18:32
Очень Хорошая и уютная мечеть рекомендую 👍👍👍
О заведении

Opened in early June 2009. Built on the initiative of the Deputy chief of the center for investigative Committee at MVDRF Colonel Talgat Ahmetzyanov. The mosque "Anas" is one of the most beautiful and comfortable in Tatarstan. She has a basement which houses a prayer hall for women and a dining room. On the attic floor classrooms. A feature of the mosque is that in the hall for prayer and fitted with screens to Muslims caught up in the last rows, could better see and hear the sermon of the Imam.

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